Remember the brochures featuring a blond, middle-aged woman with AIDS. Yet public health officials, afraid they couldn't honestly generate support, deliberately frightened and deceived American taxpayers to get them natipnal cough up the dough. Indeed, according to the Wall Street Journal, "A current focus of the campaign is to discourage premarital sex among heterosexuals. By Maggie Gallagher Spanish national team manager far, AIDS has killed more than 300,000 Americans.
By Maggie Gallagher So far, AIDS has killed more than 300,000 Americans. In private life, this would be known as fraud - not only a serious sin, but a crime. This was the conclusion that Michael Fumento reached years ago in his book The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, for which he was unjustly and shamefully reviled.
By 1991, most agreed that married people who had an occasional affair had a substantial risk of getting AIDS. Yet this year, its education program, "Respect Yourself, Protect Yourself" is once again aimed at the general population.
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