Surveys Ib3 tv en directo that, after the PR campaign was in full swing, the percentage of Americans who thought it "likely" AIDS would Radio nacional de españa directo a full scale epidemic leaped from 51 to 69. Radio nacional de españa directo Eepaña Human Events, p. "As long as this was seen as a gay disease.judging from the ease and even pride with which public health officials now confess their wrongdoing, it's business as usual.
Kahn, each dollar spent on high-risk populations prevents 50 to 70 times as many new infections as the same money spread out among low-risk groups. SLEAZY CDC CAMPAIGN MISSTATES RISK OF AIDS Remember those TV ads featuring the Baptist minister's son, who said, "If I can get AIDS, anyone can". [end] Source: Human Events, p.
One reason, according to a damning Wall Street Journal report, is this: For 10 years, the government has been deliberately lying to us about who is at risk of AIDS. 17 May 24, 1996 Subscription: 1-800-787-7557 .
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