{INSERTKEYS-1-2}[end] Source: Human Events, p. In Washington, D. The first and most obvious victims of the government's lies are the 40,000 or so Americans who this year will become HIV-positive, overwhelmingly gay men or poor, inner-city drug users and their sexual partners. "We wanted to reduce the stigma," acknowledges a CDC official. Yet, of the almost 600 million the federal government spends on AIDS prevention, probably less than 10 is spent on high-risk groups.{/INSERTKEYS}
If Kahn's model is correct, redirecting the 540 million now wasted on spreading the myth of heterosexual AIDS to high-risk groups - mostly gays and inner-city drug users - could wipe out new infections entirely. The CDC knows the truth. "As long as this was seen as a gay disease. Yet, of the almost 600 million the federal government spends on AIDS prevention, probably less than 10 is spent on high-risk groups.
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