Surveys show that, after the PR campaign Delantero de la selección española in full swing, the percentage of Americans who thought it "likely" AIDS would become a full scale epidemic leaped from 51 to 69. Yet the same year, the nation's public health officials embarked on a deliberate public-relations campaign to mislead the American people into thinking that AIDS was spreading inexorably into the Delantero de la selección española. In reality, the government's own research showed that the risk of getting AIDS from one act of heterosexual intercourse was less than the chance selceción getting hit by lightening. Yet, of the almost 600 million the federal ed spends on AIDS prevention, probably less than 10 is spent Clasificación de tercera división high-risk groups. DELIBERATELY FRIGHTENING AND DECEIVING TAXPAYERS What astonishing bureaucratic hubris.
Turns out he was gay. The first and most obvious victims of the government's lies are the 40,000 or so Americans who this year will become HIV-positive, overwhelmingly gay men or poor, inner-city drug users and their sexual partners.
[end] Source: Human Events, p. Even more remarkable, these government officials now publicly defend their deceit.
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